The process to retest is bad, it takes another two to three months and you’ll feel like crap going through this again but it is better to get it done sooner than later because of how long it takes to re-register. No fingerprinting is needed again, but the cost and studying are.
The process is pretty simple, just go back online to your BRN and click the drop down for retest, then complete the application again and upload another passport size picture and the payment. Then you’ll log back into your Pearson Vue account and re-enroll in your test but you will NOT get the ATT until the BRN gives them the certification that you are again eligible.
- Costs $200 for Pearson Vue and another $200 to the BRN.
- You’ll have to pay an additional fee to continue your NCLEX study.
- Since the passage rates are so high, you’ll feel like sh*t because most of your classmates already passed and are moving on with nursing gigs.
- The BRN takes months to approve you to retest. If your BRN is anything like mine, I had to call several times to see what was going on. I applied on 09/05/17 and was able to get my second ATT on 11/16/17- OVER TWO MONTHS LATER!The retesting processing times are two to three months behind as you’ll see here: http://www.rn.ca.gov/times.shtml
- You’ll have to keep studying like a maniac until you can reschedule.
- Getting a test scheduled the date you want is difficult but possible and a nuisance nonetheless.